Steps To Buying A Home Service Franchise Business

Steps To Buying A Home Service Franchise Business

How to Buy a Home Service Franchise with BELFOR Franchise Group

Are you looking for a home service franchise with proven business systems? Franchising with an established brand can provide the systems and support to run a thriving home service business.

At BELFOR Franchise Group, we offer numerous home services franchise opportunities in areas like residential and commercial cleaning, restoration services, remediation, renovation, and more. Our franchisees benefit from comprehensive training, marketing support, and ongoing coaching to continually grow their businesses.

Background Image of Overhead Arial shot of a neighborhood home service franchise

If you’re interested in joining our team as a franchise owner, here are the typical steps in the process of buying a home service franchise:

Request More Information

Once you’ve researched the brand(s) you’re most interested in and are ready to start a conversation, filling out our web form here will advance you to the next step: an initial “meet and greet” phone call with one of our franchise sales directors. We’ll contact you shortly after you submit the form to schedule this meeting at a time that works best for you.

Initial Call & Brand Overview

During the initial call, we will discuss your motivations and resources for pursuing a franchise business, and determine territory availability. Make sure to have your financial information ready, as our sales directors will want to verify that you meet the minimum net worth and liquid capital requirements for the brand you’re inquiring about. Depending on the brand, our sales directors may send you an additional brand overview video or set up a separate 15-20 minute webinar to share more in depth details about the franchise opportunity.

Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) Review

After the initial call, we will provide you with a Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) for review. This legal document outlines details about the franchise offering, fees, financial performance, training, marketing requirements, and more. Take time to thoroughly review the FDD, as it is one of the most important steps before buying a franchise.

Talk With Other Franchisees

This is undoubtedly the most crucial step. Don’t just take our word for it—reach out to our other franchise owners and experience our community and culture firsthand. We encourage prospective franchisees to connect with current owners, who tend to be exceptionally generous and transparent about their experiences and operations.

Meet the Team Day

If you decide to proceed after reviewing the FDD and talking with other franchisees, you’ll be invited to the franchise’s headquarters for a Meet the Team Day. This is your chance to meet corporate leadership, see the support center operations, and get a deeper understanding of our philosophies and values as a franchise system. We also encourage you to speak with existing franchisees to get a current owner’s perspective.

Sign Franchise Agreement

Upon signing and returning the FDD receipt, a 14-day waiting period begins, as required by the FTC. During this time, we’ll prepare your agreements for the territory you selected. Once the waiting period ends and you’re ready, you can sign the contracts and embark on this exciting new venture with one of our reputable services franchises.

Schedule Your Comprehensive Franchise Training

We provide comprehensive training to ensure you fully understand our operating models, systems, and standards. Initial training is usually held at the brand’s headquarters over a period of days or weeks. You’ll learn about financial management, operations, customer service, marketing tactics, sales strategies, and more.

The franchise relationship is an ongoing partnership for mutual growth. After launching, we provide additional training opportunities, technology, marketing tactics, and other support resources. We also have dedicated business coaches to regularly check in, analyze performance, and advise on growth strategies tailored to your market and goals.

Buy a Home Service Franchise with BELFOR Franchise Group

Buying a franchise with an established home services brand allows you to operate with proven systems, comprehensive training, marketing expertise, and ongoing coaching from day one. While the investment and responsibilities can vary depending on the brand, our franchise brands provide an incredible opportunity to run your own business with resources most independent startups don’t have.

If you’re interested in franchising with BELFOR Franchise Group’s suite of home services brands, we invite you to take the first step by requesting information here today!

Contact Us Today!

We look forward to discussing if one of our brands may be a fit for you and your next business venture!

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